Conference Talks

I’m a regular speaker at conferences. You can find some videos and slides of my talks here:

Turn it up to 11 - Scaling Rails to 100k rps

RUG::B 2020

We've all heard the 'Rails can't scale' myth, but how far can we scale Rails? This is a story about a one year project scaling a REST API for concert ticketing and e-commerce to huge presale events and the lessons learned on the way.
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The Last Guide To Parsing JSON You Will Ever Need

Swift 4 finally contains a mechanism for easy serialization. This talk explores the basics of Codables.
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Server Side Swift - AppBuilders 2017 Edition

AppBuilders 2017

Hooray, open source Swift finally arrived on Linux in December. Let's see how easy it is to use Swift for your backend and why Swift is a good choice for safe and fast development.
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Prototyping with Storyboards

SwiftConf 2016

Storyboards have grown in functionality over recent years and have become a great tool for prototyping your next app idea.
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Server Side Swift

SwiftConf 2016

Learn what Reactive Programming means, why it doesn’t have to be functional and why everyone is so excited about the ideas behind it.
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Introduction to Reactive Programming Workshop

Swiss Mobile Developers Association

Learn in this workshop what Reactive Programming means, why it doesn’t have to be functional and why everyone is so excited about the ideas behind it.
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Introduction to Reactive Programming

Mobilization 2016

Learn what Reactive Programming means, why it doesn’t have to be functional and why everyone is so excited about the ideas behind it.
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What's new in Interstellar 2 2016

See how reactive programming can make your code shorter, easier to read and more elegant with the next major version of the Interstellar framework.
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Hipster Oriented Programming

Mobilization 2015

Not sure if you should order a burrito or a monad for lunch? Get a quick overview of Object Oriented, Functional and Protocol Oriented programming in Swift 2 and learn what all that fuss is about and why you should care. (Talk from Mobilization 2015 in Lodz)
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How to use Functional Reactive Programming without Black Magic

UIKonf 2015

During UIKonf 2015 I gave a talk about how to implement your own ReactiveCocoa using ideas from Swift like generics and value types.
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